Collecting VMware Support Logs – Important Considerations
To resolve critical events or issues involving VMs protected by JetStream DR software, it is essential to provide the Jetstream support team copies of VMware logs files for analysis (e.g., vCenter log, ESXi Host log, vmware.log, etc.)
Log rotation is a function of VMware log management designed to prevent collected log files from continuously growing, which could consume excessive disk space and potentially affect system performance. However, log rotation may cause collected information to be overwritten and lost, thereby hindering efforts to resolve critical events.
As soon as any problem or issue is detected, it is crucial to promptly collect all necessary logs without delay to ensure information is not lost and effective support can be provided.
On-Premises Environment
In the event of a failure it is recommended to promptly gather logs files before attempting to implement any workaround.
If necesary, it is possible to increase the support volume for support bundles.
Azure VMware Solution (AVS) Environment
User privileges in AVS are limited and may require collaboration with Microsoft to retrieve necessary log files.
It is essential to reach out to Microsoft promptly to ensure the logs are collected in a timely manner.
If an issue requires attention from JetStream support and Microsoft/VMware, as soon as you reach out to Microsoft request their assistance to immediately collect necessary logs. Do this before contacting JetStream support.
This proactive strategy will allow JetStream support to work in tandem with Microsoft/VMware. Most importantly, information essential to resolving the case can be saved before potentially being lost due to log rotation.