Object Store Server Authentication Fails

Object Store Server Authentication Fails

This article applies to all JSDR software versions.


The following error may be encountered when attempting to add a storage site after initial configuration:

Authentication with ObjectStore server failed. Please check that Management server time is synchronized and credentials are valid.


This situation can occur if the MSA system clock and hardware clock are not synchronized.

  1. Validate the system and hardware clock times:

    • #date (Command to check system clock time)

    • #hwclock (Command to check hardware clock time)

  2. If the reported date/times do not match, they should be synchronized using the following command:

    • hwclock --systohc

      • "systohc" stands for “system to hardware clock”, which copies the time from the system to the hardware clock.

  3. After both clocks have been synchronized, try adding the storage site again which should now work.


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