This article applies to all JSDR software versions.
Disk protection fails when attempting to add new disks to a protected VM that is part of a CFO (Continuous Failover) protected domain. In the example scenario below, newly added disks will report initial sync for an extended period of time and then subsequently transition to a "cancelled" protection state status without any replication status.
The protection status of the VM is still recoverable, but its icon turns yellow highlighting a problem with newly added disks.
When a CFO domain is configured, modifications to VM settings at the protected site must remain synchronized with the recovery site. Any issue that impedes this synchronization can generate warning reports.
Confirm any disk(s) added to the VM at the primary site are visible on the corresponding RVM at the recovery site. [screenshot]
If the the disk(s) cannot be found on the RVM, ensure the MSA is operational and connected. The MSA is essential to facilitate synchronization of VM settings between the RVM and the protected site VM.
After resolving any MSA issues at the recovery site, it is necessary to either:
Re-protect the virtual machines containing the newly added disks.
Or, detach and reattach the new disks to the protected VM (JSDR version 4.2.x and above).