Versions Compared


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This article applies to all JSDR software versions.


The following alarm message may be displayed if adequate space is not available in the replication log volume.


  • When Metadata becomes full, if there is available Free Space in the replication log volume, the management server will automatically re-assign some of the Free Space to Metadata.


The “log space low” message can appear when the Replication Log Section is full or > 90% for a certain period of time. This message will stop appearing once the space is freed up.


Best Practice

  • Replication log section should be sized to 64GB per protected domain (regardless of the number of VMs being protected).

  • The number of vDisks protected should not exceed 500 per DRVA.


User can re-size the Replication Log size if it is highly provisioned, it will release some space on the RLV (Replication log volume). Example:



Future enhancements:
From JetDR 4.2 onwards, if the Replication log volume is full and more space is required, users can shut down the drva, increase the disk size from VM → Edit Settings and then power it on. This will add more space to the Replication log volume.