Change Default Gateway of a DRVA

Change Default Gateway of a DRVA

This article applies to all JSDR software versions.


In some scenarios it is necessary to route the DRVA management/data network over a particular gateway.


The following steps describe how to change the default gateway used by a DRVA.

JetStream DR Version 4.1.16

1. From vCenter launch the DRVA VM web console and log in to the DRVA using admin credentials.

  • Obtain DRVA admin credentials from Jetstream support.

  • SSH is disabled for DRVAs by default. Using a private key it is possible to SSH into the DRVA.


2. From the DRVA web appliance run the commands ip route and ip address to verify the default gateway and IP configuration of the DRVA.

Verify the default gateway.


3. Delete the default gateway by running the command: sudo ip route del default
(Note: The Admin password is required.)

Delete the default gateway.


4. Add a new default gateway by running the command: sudo ip route add default via <gateway_IP>
(Note: The Admin password is required.)

Add a new default gateway.


5. After changing the gateway of the DRVA, validate its new default gateway by running the command: ip route or ip r

Because the DRVA is a stateless appliance, a default gateway added according to the above procedure will not be persistent after a DRVA reboot. A Power Shell script can be used to add persistent default routes on a DRVA. Contact JetStream support for help performing this action.

JetStream DR Version 4.1.18 (and above)

Starting with JetStream DR version 4.1.18, it is possible to add additional network routes from the GUI.

  • In the JetStream DR GUI navigate to: Appliances > Settings > Add.

  • Using the GUI, apply any required additional network routes.

This is the recommended method to add network routes for JetStream software versions that support this capability.


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